A Texas family lawyer like Steven Bruman becomes necessary for many reasons, but some are more common than others. Here are five of the most common life occurrences that will require the assistance and counsel of a Texas family law attorney.
On a wedding day, when couples look lovingly into each other’s eyes and say their vows, it can be easy to believe the marriage will last forever. The reality, however, is that marriages can —and do — end frequently. In 2014 alone, more than 813,862 divorces and annulments were granted nationwide, and this figure excluded data from California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana and Minnesota.

A family lawyer helps you in a number of key ways during a Texas divorce, including:
- Fighting for rights to marital property
- Protecting the rights of children
- Ensuring child support is correct and that the other parent cannot exploit the system
- Standing up for your rights and fighting on your behalf when necessary
- Creating working visitation schedules
- Helping you mediate with your former spouse
Unlike divorce, adoption is primarily focused on growing the family. When Texas couples are looking to adopt domestically or internationally, a Texas family lawyer becomes essential.
A Texas family lawyer helps create and prepare the legal documents needed to complete a legal adoption process. When necessary, a family lawyer will litigate on your behalf to terminate the rights of biological parents who are unfit when the child is living in a harmful environment. And, if you find yourself in a contested adoption, you will need a lawyer who knows how to litigate to protect your rights.
Child Support and Spousal Support
Child support and spousal support are critical pillars of family law that protect the rights of both children and spouses. Receiving deserved compensation for marital contributions (spousal support) and the care of children (child support) is the law’s way of ensuring Texas citizens and families receive necessary care.

A Texas family lawyer will work to legally ensure you and your child receive the support that Texas law dictates you should receive.Less than half of the country’s single mothers are awarded child support from fathers, and approximately 1 out of 4 fathers are awarded child support. This demonstrates that issues like child support and spousal support are far from a guarantee. That is why you need a Texas family lawyer who knows how to get you the compensation you deserve.
Custody is another major area of family law that has significant family repercussions. Depending on your needs, a Texas family law attorney will fight for your right to attain:
- Temporary Custody
- Sole Custody
- Split Custody
- Joint Custody
Texas attorneys know the limitations of all custody types and what the court is looking for when deciding custody. With an effective Texas family lawyer, parents give themselves the upper hand in custody negotiations and determinations.
Paternity is another critical area of Texas family law that protects the rights of fathers and mothers alike. Establishing paternity ensures fathers have rights as a Texas father, which is critically important in custody and visitation determinations.
By contrast, mothers have an incentive to establish paternity as well. When paternity is not established, mothers cannot receive the child support that ensures a child receives proper care. Children also benefit from an establishment of paternity.
Most importantly, the child receives financial support from two parents, but there are additional advantages like the following:
- Access to Both Parental Medical Histories
- Entitlement to a Father’s Social Security Insurance
- Entitlement to a Father’s Inheritance Assets and/or Veteran Benefits
Bruman Law Group represents Texas parents and spouses in all their family law matters so their rights or the rights of their children are protected and preserved. Contact Bruman Law Group to discuss your family law questions, concerns and legal needs.